Why Do Dogs Tear Up Their Beds?

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Dogs are lovable and loyal pets that bring joy and happiness to our lives. However, sometimes they exhibit destructive behavior, such as tearing up their beds. This behavior can be frustrating for dog owners, and they may wonder why their furry friend is engaging in such activity. In this article, we will explore some of the reasons why dogs tear up their beds and provide some tips on how to prevent it.

Reasons Why Dogs Tear Up Their Beds

Anxiety or Stress

One of the most common reasons why dogs tear up their beds is anxiety or stress. Dogs can experience separation anxiety when their owners leave them alone for long periods. This anxiety can lead to repetitive, destructive behavior, such as tearing up their beds. Dogs may also experience stress due to changes in their environment, such as moving to a new house or the arrival of a new family member.

Improper Bedding

Another reason why dogs tear up their beds is due to improper bedding. Dogs need comfortable and supportive bedding to rest their bodies properly. If the bed is too small, too firm, or too uncomfortable, dogs may scratch or tear it up to make it more comfortable.

Energy to Burn/Boredom

Dogs are energetic animals that require regular exercise and playtime to maintain their physical and mental well-being. Without sufficient activity, they may become bored and frustrated, which can lead to destructive behavior such as tearing up their beds.

Exercise and playtime provide many benefits for dogs, including improving their cardiovascular health, reducing stress and anxiety, and promoting healthy weight management. They also provide mental stimulation and help prevent boredom, which can lead to destructive behavior.


Dogs have been selectively bred for thousands of years to perform specific tasks, such as hunting, herding, and guarding. These traits are still present in many dog breeds today, and certain breeds are more predisposed to engage in destructive behaviors than others.

Hunting breeds, such as terriers, retrievers, and hounds, have been bred for their keen sense of smell and their ability to track and retrieve prey. These breeds have a strong prey drive and a natural instinct to chew, which can lead to destructive behavior if not properly channeled.


Like humans, dogs can also experience trauma and abuse that can have lasting effects on their behavior and mental health. Dogs that have suffered trauma or abuse may engage in destructive behavior as a coping mechanism, including tearing up their beds or other objects in the house.

Trauma and abuse can take many forms, including physical abuse, neglect, abandonment, and exposure to environmental stressors such as loud noises or extreme temperatures. These experiences can cause dogs to become fearful, anxious, or aggressive, and they may resort to destructive behaviors as a way to cope with their emotions.

Wanting Playtime or Attention

Dogs are social animals that thrive on human interaction and attention. Some dogs may tear up their beds as a way of getting attention from their owners or as a way of initiating playtime. This behavior is especially common in dogs that have not been properly trained or socialized, or those that have not received enough attention or positive reinforcement.

Dogs may also tear up their beds as a form of play or exploration. Puppies, in particular, have a natural urge to explore and interact with their environment, which can include chewing and tearing up objects such as their bed for the owners’ attention. 


Dogs are intelligent and curious creatures that require proper care and attention from their owners. One of the common signs that your dog needs more attention is when they engage in destructive behavior. When a dog is hungry, they may become restless, anxious, and frustrated, leading them to engage in destructive behavior such as tearing up their beds.

Insufficient Toys

Without enough toys, dogs may become bored and seek out other forms of entertainment, such as chewing on furniture or tearing up their bedding. This behavior is not only destructive but can also be dangerous if they swallow or choke on any of the materials.


As puppies grow, they experience a natural and necessary process of teething. During this phase, their baby teeth fall out, and their adult teeth start to emerge. This process can be uncomfortable and even painful for puppies, which can lead to a strong urge to chew on objects to relieve the discomfort. Chewing helps to soothe their gums and reduce the pain of their emerging teeth.

How to Keep Dogs From Destroying Beds

If your dog is constantly tearing up their bed, there are several things you can do to prevent this behavior. Here are some tips:

Train Your Dog

Provide a More Appropriate Object to Chew


Create a Calm Environment

Temporarily Take Away Access to the Bed

If your dog continues to destroy their bed despite your efforts to redirect their behavior, it may be necessary to take away their access to it temporarily. Doing so will prevent them from continuing to engage in the behavior and reinforce that it’s not acceptable. You can replace their bed with a temporary alternative such as a blanket or a towel, and gradually reintroduce their bed once they’ve learned to refrain from destructive behavior.

Use a Protective Cover

If your dog has a habit of tearing up their bed, using a protective cover can be an effective way to prevent damage and extend the life of the bed. Protective covers come in a variety of materials and styles, including waterproof covers, chew-resistant covers, and covers with zippers or Velcro for easy removal and cleaning. These covers can also help to protect your dog’s bed from spills, accidents, and dirt, keeping it cleaner and more hygienic.

Get a Durable Dog Bed

Investing in a durable dog bed that can withstand your dog’s chewing and scratching is an important consideration for pet owners. A sturdy bed made with chew-resistant materials can save you time, money, and frustration by preventing the need to replace the bed frequently due to damage.

Use a Dog Crate

If your dog has a persistent habit of destroying their bed, it may be necessary to take more drastic measures to prevent damage to your home and your dog’s sleeping area. One effective solution is to use a dog crate to keep your dog from accessing their bed while you’re away.

A dog crate is a safe and secure way to keep your dog confined and prevent them from engaging in destructive behaviors when you’re not home. It’s important to choose a crate that is appropriately sized for your dog, providing them with enough space to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably. The crate should be made with durable materials that can withstand your dog’s chewing and scratching, and it should have secure latches to prevent your dog from escaping.

Tips on Preventing Dogs From Destroying Beds

To prevent destructive behavior in dogs, make sure to provide them with plenty of toys and activities to keep them occupied and entertained. Regular exercise is also essential to help your dog burn off excess energy. Consider crate training your dog as a way to prevent destructive behavior, and consider enrolling your dog in professional training classes to help them learn good behavior. By taking these preventive measures, you can help ensure that your dog is well-behaved and happy.

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